and in part to the Commonwealth Games taking over which I know everyone found to be an enormous uplifting success for the city, and finally now Pride is back in its rightful spot as the first of the year in the UK over the late May bank holiday weekend. This...
When set remove from the fridge and place 200 grams strawberries on top. Blitz the remaining 200 grams strawberries to a smooth sauce in your blender and stir in the lemon juice and icing sugar. Don’t be tempted not to sift the icing sugar as it will clump when it hits the blitzed b...
Combine the orange juice, grapefruit juice, garic, onion, and cilantro in a large ziplock bag. Cut the steak in manageable pieces and add to the bag. Place the bag with steak and marinade into the fridge for 3 hours to overnight. Remove the steak from the marinade and pat dry with ...
Chill in the fridge until ready to serve. If you used parchment, you should be able to lift it right out onto a cutting board before dividing into 9 even squares (or 16, depending on your preferences!). *Be sure to press your knife down hard to break through that delicious shortbread!
Technically not a '90s snack BUT hear me out: Milk Bites were *chef's kiss.* These lil' granola bars were stored in the fridge and were like all the things you loved about an old-schoolKudosbar but BETTER. Please bring this back, Kraft. We long to crack open a cold one with the...
melt and a pizza could truly become one, but necessity has often been the mother of invention in my kitchen. Recently, at the end of a very busy work day I was trying to talk myself out of making dinner when suddenly I spied some very thin flatbread waving at me from my fridge. ...
. You’ll recall inEpisode 022, the burger episode, it was recommended as an an accompaniment to a burger but works well with any meat. It is also good on grilled cheese sandwiches. The recipe that I use come from “The Joy of Cooking” and stays for about a month in your fridge....
It was super easy to mix, but I would recommend doubling the amount of raisins. Yes, I actually had some in my cupboard and used them in the recipe. I would also put the dough in the fridge so the cookies don’t spread quite as much. ...
If you forget it in the back of your fridge for a month, you’ll kill it. Remind yourself that it is your friend, and it NEEDS to be taken care of. If you had a pet, you’d take care of it. Be kind. Yes, you can make your own starter, and I will add how to do that ...
I just skipped the step where she asks you to roll out the dough really thin. I actually think I put to little dough in the pastry and would just put all of it in next time. It was still heart stopping and phenomenal…I can’t imagine how much better it would taste with even more...