The simplest reason for not getting the pay you expected is that there was a mistake. When your paycheck isn’t accurate, it could be because of a payroll reporting or processing error, which should be easy to rectify. In other cases—for example, if your employer didn’t have the funds...
Learn about the IRS 1099 Form: See what it's for, who gets it, how to fix mistakes, the different kinds, and why e-filing makes it easier.
Savers using employer-sponsored retirement accounts can boost savings and have more opportunity for compounding. Kate StalterNov. 7, 2024 Donald Trump Policies and Retirees Donald Trump has been elected to serve another term as president and that could have pros and cons for retirees. ...
However, being unable to work because of stress is a serious issue, not only for the employer but also for you. Too much stress can lead to burnout and depression. Nowadays, it’s very important to know how to handle stress productively. Examples of stress management as an interpersonal ...
20 Communication Skills for Your Resume Describing communication skills on your resume can boost your chances of getting a job interview. Jamela AdamOct. 22, 2024 12 Ways to Describe Weaknesses When preparing to describe your weaknesses in a job interview, use these examples to frame them in th...
Supplemental life insurance is an additional policy that you would be able to purchase through your employer on top of group life insurance. It tends to be more expensive than the group life insurance option but acts as a sort of cushion for your coverage. ...
ask your current or prospective employer and read up about your compensation package in your employee handbook or employment contract. When it comes time to ask for a raise, your employer may want you to back up your argument. You can do this by documenting all your achievements and keeping ...
When calculating overtime pay for non-exempt employees , you need to understand how to do it for hourly and salaried workers. Hourly workers may take up the lion’s share of non-exempt workers entitled to time and a half pay , but it’s also vital to know how to calculate overtime pa...
Heads up: If you’re self-employed, you won’t have an employer to do the heavy lifting of withholding taxes for you. You’ll need to crunch the numbers yourself to make sure you have enough stowed away to cover what you owe when tax season arrives. What is disposable income used fo...
IRAs are retirement savings accounts that offer tax advantages. They work a bit like a 401(k) but don’t require an employer to sponsor them. There are several types of IRAs: traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. ...