The simplest reason for not getting the pay you expected is that there was a mistake. When your paycheck isn’t accurate, it could be because of a payroll reporting or processing error, which should be easy to rectify. In other cases—for example, if your employer didn’t have the funds...
What Should I Do if My Employer Does Not Offer Workers’ Compensation? With very limited exemptions, virtually every employer in Florida is required by law to offer their employees workers’ compensation. Specific employer coverage varies on the basis of the industry, but in essence, this is ...
Since, in a health insurance plan, the insurance provider does not pay for the entirety of your yearly medical costs, you have to pay a certain portion of these costs from your pocket. The deductible is one of these out-of-pocket payments. Before your insurance kicks in, you must first ...
Important note. Always file even if you cannot pay. The penalties for not filing listed above are much steeper than those for not paying. The failure to pay the penalty is only 0.5% for each month you don’t pay, capped out at 25%. If you can’t file a complete return, file an e...
Modest Needsoffers Self-Sufficiency Grants of up to $1,000. What not to do if you can’t pay rent We’ve given you plenty of strategies for handling yourself if you can’t pay rent, but plenty of renters still make mistakes. Learn what you don’t want to do if you can’t pay yo...
If you do not get health insurance through your employer, or if you are not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, other financial aid sources are available— such as a health insurance subsidy.Health insurance without a subsidycan be expensive, but you can qualify for a su...
After offering you the job, if your salary and benefits negotiation with the company turned them off, they may have decided not to move forward with your offer. Another candidate. While it’s not very considerate and is ethically questionable, the employer may have found a can...
If you file your tax return but don't pay what you owe, you’ll likely receive a letter from the IRS detailing how much you owe and asking you to pay. Sponsored Bank Accounts “One of the immediate consequences of not paying your taxes on time is the accumulation of interest ...
So what do you do if you have not yet filed your taxes? You Should File Your Taxes As Soon As Possible The IRS suggests that you get your return filed ASAP and pay as much as you can in an effort to reduce any potential penalties and interest. Even though it's after the tax filing...
What if My Employer Decides Not to Offer Insurance?Andrews