Nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat "One of the challenges right now is people are thinking: 'This is my seasonal allergies' or 'Maybe this is the flu coming on,' because the symptoms of COVID are very similar to those," Tad-y says. Before brushing symptoms off as allergies,...
Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) if:You cough up blood. You have chest pain or sudden trouble breathing.When should I seek immediate care?You are coughing or wheezing more than usual. You have chest congestion and the mucus you cough up is a different color than before....
Keep the head of your bed raised to help you breathe easier. You can also raise your head and shoulders up on pillows or rest in a reclining chair. Do deep breathing and coughing. Deep breaths help open your airway and clear mucus or congestion. Take a deep breath and hold it for as...
What you’re noticing is most likely a change in its consistency. Your mucus may become thicker or stickier. It may build up in your lungs and throat, causing congestion and — in severe cases — difficulty breathing or swallowing. You may experience postnasal drip as a result of this ...
• Poor weight gain, falling to a lower weight percentile •体重增加太少,降到较低的百分位 • Frequent throat infections, red throat, colds, ear congestion or infections •经常咽喉发炎,嗓子红肿,感冒,耳朵充血或中耳炎 • Any serious respiratory prob...
SAVE UP TO $3 Use as directed. *vs single-ingredient antihistamine that don't treat nasal congestion Children’s FLONASE Allergy Relief HOW TO OPEN We designed our tamper-resistant plastic packaging with your best interest in mind and for the safety of your child. Take a look at this video...
Here’s what you need to know about the oft-undetected virus, known to spike each winter and spring. What are the symptoms of HMPV? Symptoms are similar to other respiratory viruses, according to the CDC, and include: cough fever nasal congestion shortness of breath In severe cases, sympto...
Saline nasal spray helps relieve congestion in your sinuses.How can I manage my symptoms?Drink liquids as directed to prevent dehydration. Ask how much liquid to drink each day and which liquids are best for you. Do not drink liquids with caffeine. Caffeine can make dehydration worse. Get ple...
Your actions would depend on the pathogen in question and the person’s age, underlying medical conditions and type of symptoms. Let’s begin with respiratory illnesses. Most healthy people who have mild symptoms like runny nose, congestion and fatigue do not need to seek medic...
Your actions would depend on the pathogen in question and the person’s age, underlying medical conditions and type of symptoms. Let’s begin with respiratory illnesses. Most healthy people who have mild symptoms like runny nose, congestion and fatigue do not need to seek medical care. More ...