The article provides insights on qualifications of the Family and Medicine Leave Act (FMLA) leave in the U.S. It looks into the decision of the 8th Circuit Court in the case, Miller v. Nebraska Dep't of Econ. Dev., that a family member having inpatient or home care may only be entit...
Employees who qualify for FMLA and also have a condition that qualifies for workers' compensation may be asked by their employers to use FMLA leave to cover their absences from work. Employers have a duty to notify employees that their FMLA leave will be used during a worker's compensation le...
Does Workers’ Comp Qualify for FMLA? If you suffered an injury at work that will require you to take time off, you may qualify for both workers’ compensation and FMLA. For example, you may have suffered a concussion on the job that makes it impossible for you to perform your usual tas...
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a labor law requiring large employers to provide employees with unpaid time off for family/health issues.
What qualifies as a civil rights violation? Can I sue for civil rights violations? Who do I sue for civil rights violations? What is the difference between civil rights and civil liberties? Finding the Right Attorney for Your Needs It is crucial to approach the right type of attorney—someone...
How does FMLA work? How is FMLA approved? What types of businesses are exempt from FMLA? What is the hour requirement for FMLA? What is medical leave? What is the most commonly requested leave for FMLA? What qualifies as serious health condition for FMLA? How long can someone stay on FML...
Who qualifies for a leave of absence? Qualification for a leave of absence depends on employment duration, part-time or full-time status, and legal requirements. For example, part-time team members may have limited eligibility based on company policies. ...
The birth of a child qualifies an employee for leave within the first year after the child is born, and the same applies to adoption, or placement for adoption or foster care of a child within the first year. Intermittent Leave You must take all of the leave at once for the birth or...
The change in status also means that the surviving spouse qualifies for the unlimited marital deduction when inheriting the estate of the deceased spouse. It also gives same-sex couples the benefit of the portability provision of the federal estate-tax law. In effect, that means the unused port...
With flu season here, know what FMLA covers. (cover story)The article provides information on whether the influenza or common cold can reach to the level of serious health condition that qualifies for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave in the U.S....