The article provides insights on qualifications of the Family and Medicine Leave Act (FMLA) leave in the U.S. It looks into the decision of the 8th Circuit Court in the case, Miller v. Nebraska Dep't of Econ. Dev., that a family member having inpatient or home care may only be entit...
Employees who qualify for FMLA and also have a condition that qualifies for workers' compensation may be asked by their employers to use FMLA leave to cover their absences from work. Employers have a duty to notify employees that their FMLA leave will be used during a worker's compensation le...
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a labor law requiring large employers to provide employees with unpaid time off for family/health issues.
United States federal law regulates mandatory LOA through theFamily Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which ensures people can take up to 12 weeks off of unpaid leave. Family and medical leave covers time off for serious health conditions, caring for an ill family member, managing adoption or foster c...
When you need to take a leave, it is wise to let the employer know that you are looking for an FMLA-covered leave. If you are approved for FMLA leave due to a condition and need additional FMLA leave because of that condition, you must mention that in your request. You may not be ...
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): allows employees to take time off for health care needs such as taking care of a new child or sick family member. These are all federal laws, which means they create a national baseline. States can pass their own protections against discrimination, offeri...
What is medical leave? What is the most commonly requested leave for FMLA? What qualifies as serious health condition for FMLA? How long can someone stay on FMLA? Explain what is a maternity leave. How is FMLA calculated? How many employees does a workplace have to have for FMLA? How ...
Who qualifies for an FMLA leave of absence? In order to qualify for FMLA leave, individuals have to be employed by a covered employer for at least 12 months (not necessarily consecutive) and work at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months preceding the leave. They must als...
The change in status also means that the surviving spouse qualifies for the unlimited marital deduction when inheriting the estate of the deceased spouse. It also gives same-sex couples the benefit of the portability provision of the federal estate-tax law. In effect, that means the unused port...
Harassment qualifies for the criminal gang intimidation sentence enhancement if the harassment occurs because the victim either refuses to join or attempts to leave a gang. For the sentencing enhancement to apply, either the victim or the harasser must attend or be registered to attend a public or...