Myelin is a white membraneous substance that wraps around the shafts of axons forming sheaths. The glial cells that provide axons with myelin are the oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and the Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system....
B. Myelin prevents the conduction of electricity from the axon hillock to the axon terminal. C. Myelin traps sodium ions in the axon Which type of neuroglial cell produces myelin in the CNS? a) microglial cells b) oligodendrocytes c) ependymal cells d) Schwann cells Which of the ...
MS is a disease that leads to inflammation and damage to parts of your central nervous system (CNS). The CNS includes your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. MS causes your immune system to attack and destroy the coating (myelin) that covers your nerves. This may cause problems with how you...
Anatomical involvement of cortex can be seen mainly in anti-NMDAR, anti-MOG (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein), and anti-GABAAR AE. In anti-NMDAR AE Zhan et al. found MRI abnormalities in 49% of patients, 72% of which showed involvement of cortex of different lobes, with or without a ...
age-related changes in brain white matter have taken precedence in explaining the steady decline in cognitive domains seen in non-diseased elderly. Characteristic alterations in the ultrastructure of myelin coupled with evidence of inflammatory processes present in the white matter of several different sp...
The basic unit of the central nervous system is the neuron (nerve cell). Billions of neurons allow the different parts of the body to communicate with each other via the brain and the spinal cord. A fatty material called myelin coats nerve cells to insulate them and to allow nerves to com...
Studies on de-differentiation of Mueller glia in mammals, however, are not able to produce cells which can then re-differentiate into any cell type, only into myelinating oligodendrocytes[172]. Further work has also suggested that p53 plays a role in the limited ability of these "false MSCs"...
Sleep-related transcripts are involved in brain protein synthesis, synaptic consolidation/depres- sion, as well as membrane trafficking and maintenance, including cho- lesterol metabolism, myelin formation, and synaptic vesicle turnover. Further studies (Cirelli and Tononi, J Neurosci 24:5410-5419, ...
It is now generally accepted that MS involves an auto-immune process—an abnormal response by the immune system directed against the central nervous system (CNS). In patients with MS, the body's immune system cannot differentiate between virus proteins and its own myelin and therefore launc...
Commonly, the accumulated ceroid-lipopigments are autofluorescent and are positive for periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), which stains polysaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids, Luxol fast blue (LFB), which stains lipoproteins in the myelin sheath, Sudan black B, which stains neutral triglycerides and ...