More than 12 percent of adults over the age of 20 have high cholesterol, defined as levels greater than 240 mg/dL, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Aside from a genetic condition that leads to high cholesterol levels (called familial hypercholesterolemia), lifestyle fac...
What are some of the complications of high cholesterol? High cholesterol may lead to atherosclerosis, chest pain, angina, heart attack, and stroke. How high is too high? Generally, your doctor will look at total cholesterol levels, HDL levels, and LDL levels. Your doctor may also examine ...
When we say, "high cholesterol," usually we are referring to high total or high LDL cholesterol. High HDL cholesterol is a good thing! Causes and Effects of High Cholesterol Is high cholesterol genetic? Some people may be at higher risk for high cholesterol due to non-modifiable factors, or...
What are cholesterol level goals?Your cholesterol level goals depend on your risk for heart disease, your age, and your other health conditions. The following are general guidelines:Total cholesterol includes low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride levels. The...
Examines two new studies related to cholesterol levels. Findings of a study reported in `Annals of Internal Medicine,' November 1, 1994 on ratio of total cholesterol to HDL; Findings of a study reported in the `Journal of the American Medical Associat...
High cholesterol affects about 1 in 9 Americans and is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. High cholesterol is defined as total cholesterol over 240 mg/dl, with 200 to 240 mg/dl being mildly high, or LDL cholesterol being over 130 mg/dl. Questions surrounding cholesterol can ...
High triglycerides are diagnosed with a blood test called a lipidpanel that measures totalcholesterol,HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the blood. The table below tells you what your measurements may indicate for your triglyceride levels. ...
Risk Factors for High Triglycerides Obesity Diabetes Smoking Alcohol abuse Inactivity/Lack of exercise Total Cholesterol A cholesterol test will measure the total cholesterol in your blood, and your total cholesterol levels are made up of a combination of your LDL, HDL, and VLDL (very low-density...
Risk Factors for High Triglycerides Obesity Diabetes Smoking Alcohol abuse Inactivity/Lack of exercise Total Cholesterol A cholesterol test will measure the total cholesterol in your blood, and your total cholesterol levels are made up of a combination of your LDL, HDL, and VLDL (very low-density...
Risk Factors for High Triglycerides Obesity Diabetes Smoking Alcohol abuse Inactivity/Lack of exercise Total Cholesterol A cholesterol test will measure the total cholesterol in your blood, and your total cholesterol levels are made up of a combination of your LDL, HDL, and VLDL (very low-density...