In other words,any chemical—even water and oxygen—can be toxic if too much is ingested or absorbed into the body. The toxicity of a specific substance depends on a variety of factors, including how much of the substance a person is exposed to, how they are exposed, and for how long....
Introducing Toxic Good Guy Energy, a phenomenon in which men use their "good guy" status to deflect and reject any and all criticism in a relationship.
The one label that immediately sets off alarm bells and makes us want to distance ourselves from someone isn’t ‘jerk’, ‘loser,’ or ‘weirdo’ – it’s ‘creepy’. The term ‘creepy’ doesn’t simply describe social awkwardness, nor is it solely about a person’s appearance or behav...
Person 2:Wow why sotoxic. This is a simple situation where someone is being ‘toxic’ to another person calling them names and telling them they don’t like them when the other person has done nothing wrong. Making the name-caller ‘toxic’. ...
When tempered with a small dose of realism–e.g., understanding that your partner is an imperfect person and that your first responsibility is to your own well-being and fulfillment–there is nothing wrong with this. Furthermore, there is a fundamental difference between toxic oneitis and ground...
(time frame), person a has been doing x. when that happens, it has y impact on the team and me. i would love to get your advice about what i can do to handle these situations in the future.” after that, see what the manager does. "if the manager does nothing, or worse, ...
Mastering women, career, sex, fighting, survival or anything else doesn’t make you a man. Blending all of these to make the unique YOU is what makes a man truly remarkable and grounded. You are on a journey to discover your own sense of self. ...
“makes a man” and anyone who does not display these traits to an acceptable degree isn’t considered man enough. However, overemphasis of these traits fosters a toxic environment and ultimately pressures people to live up to them. There are men who overcompensate, thus creating a toxic ...
create chaos, and I manage those things in a way that makes my life better. Looking back, I find it so odd that I was actually quite unaware of myself and who I was as a person, and what I wanted and needed in life. No wonder my life was out of balance and chaotic for years!
” Healthy relationships nourish and support us. Like poison, atoxicrelationship is one that is damaging to us. Instead of uplifting us, it makes us feel worse. When it ends, we might experiencetrauma, post-traumatic stress, or a lessening of our self-esteem and trust in ourselves and ...