Introducing Toxic Good Guy Energy, a phenomenon in which men use their "good guy" status to deflect and reject any and all criticism in a relationship.
It comes up a lot in a toxic relationship. And when you start trying to find your way out, you’ll have to wade through that confusion. Remember this: you don’t have to justify your decision to end a relationship. If it’s not good for you, make the choice. You know you have ...
” Healthy relationships nourish and support us. Like poison, atoxicrelationship is one that is damaging to us. Instead of uplifting us, it makes us feel worse. When it ends, we might experiencetrauma, post-traumatic stress, or a lessening of our self-esteem and trust in ourselves and oth...
Getting out of a toxic relationship is not always easy, especially if you truly love the person. You may know you need to do it, but you might find yourself dragging your feet. In this case, give yourself grace and leave when you are ready. You will know when the time is right. ...
but those who have toxic masculinity traits take this to an extreme degree. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship with them, because these men will never show you their sensitive or vulnerable side. They see it as a form of weakness if they do. What is toxic mascu...
In response to a creepy person, set limits, trust your instincts, and seek support to protect your well-being. Source: Pixel Shot / Shutterstock The one label that immediately sets off alarm bells and makes us want to distance ourselves from someone isn’t ‘jerk’, ‘loser,’ or ‘weirdo...
Gabbi Shaw
A toxic relationship is one in which two people don’t communicate or relate to one another in healthy ways, and where conflict easily arises. The negative emotions outweigh the positive ones and the relationship itself becomes a huge drain of energy.
Interpersonal relationshipsdefine and includeany relationship in your life with another person– even if it’s short-lived or a long-term one – where you bonded with them to some extent. Human beings need other human beings to lead happy a...