Lillian Glass, a California-based communication and psychology expert who says she coined the term in her 1995 book Toxic People, defines a toxic relationship as “any relationship [between people who] don't support each other, where there's conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where...
Introducing Toxic Good Guy Energy, a phenomenon in which men use their "good guy" status to deflect and reject any and all criticism in a relationship.
There are also two things that are toxic and terrible in your relationship: he has poor boundaries and he's a liar/selfish. Those two issues alone are serious issues you shouldn't ignore. I think he contributes to your depression and anxiety. Sinc...
A toxic relationship may not have begun that way. Oftentimes, it’s a relationship that may have started out well, but is now leaving a person feeling emotionally drained and stressed. Ahealthy relationship, on the other hand, helps to give energy back as opposed to taking energy away. Acco...
That day I didn’t make a call was the first time I made a choice to ignore how toxic my relationship had become. It wasn’t the last time. It took me months, but I finally got to the place where I let myself recognize what was happening. All the wrongs, all the betrayal, all...
It’s a question I hear over and over from people …“Is my relationship toxic?” Healthy relationships nourish and support us. Like poison, atoxicrelationship is one that is damaging to us. Instead of uplifting us, it makes us feel worse. When it ends, we might experiencetrauma, post-...
Getting out of a toxic relationship is not always easy, especially if you truly love the person. You may know you need to do it, but you might find yourself dragging your feet. In this case, give yourself grace and leave when you are ready. You will know when the time is right. ...
Gabbi Shaw
but those who have toxic masculinity traits take this to an extreme degree. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship with them, because these men will never show you their sensitive or vulnerable side. They see it as a form of weakness if they do. What is toxic mascu...
“Talking to local sex therapists can be a great way to enter into the world safely and to learn educationally from a professionalwho has access to accurate information about how to do that.”—Kayla, 33 *All names have been changed. ...