The one label that immediately sets off alarm bells and makes us want to distance ourselves from someone isn’t ‘jerk’, ‘loser,’ or ‘weirdo’ – it’s ‘creepy’. The term ‘creepy’ doesn’t simply describe social awkwardness, nor is it solely about a person’s appearance or behav...
A team that is always stressed, scared and lacks confidence is a good indicator that the one leading the team is exhibiting toxic behavior. Psychological and sometimes even physical bullying is common by toxic leaders. The latter can include pushing someone around, uncomfortable body contact such a...
Introducing Toxic Good Guy Energy, a phenomenon in which men use their "good guy" status to deflect and reject any and all criticism in a relationship.
It’s important to note that oneitis isnotsimply a feeling of intense love for a woman. There’s nothing wrong with the process of falling in love. Of finding someone who melds perfectly with your vision, values, and lifestyle. Offinding one womanwho you truly and deeply love, trust, an...
“makes a man” and anyone who does not display these traits to an acceptable degree isn’t considered man enough. However, overemphasis of these traits fosters a toxic environment and ultimately pressures people to live up to them. There are men who overcompensate, thus creating a toxic ...
This is a simple situation where someone is being ‘toxic’ to another person calling them names and telling them they don’t like them when the other person has done nothing wrong. Making the name-caller ‘toxic’. In Texting, Social Posts ...
which leads to more peace and happiness in my life. I have become aware of things that create joy in my life and the things that create chaos, and I manage those things in a way that makes my life better. Looking back, I find it so odd that I was actually quite unaware of myself...
Nicotine is what keeps smokerssmoking: It's the chemical found in the leaves oftobaccoplants that makes cigarettes so addictive. It's in allcigars, smokeless tobacco (such as chew or snuff), and mostelectronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes. Nicotine gums, patches, and lozenges have it, too. ...
If you are very sad all the time for more than 1 week, talk to someone. You may be depressed and need help. Talk to a parent, friend, teacher, counselor, youth leader, or your healthcare provider. Many adults care about your feelings and may be able to help you. You may feel ...
When shame becomes toxic, it can ruin our lives. Everyone experiences shame at one time or another. It’s an emotion with physical symptoms like any other that comes and goes, but when it’s severe, it can cause extreme pain. Strong feelings of shame stimulate the nervous system, causing...