It is to be expected that their identity will be complex, reflecting the built-in dissonance of their lives. The Torah stories include an additional complexity based on the characters. The present study deals with the teachers’ manner of dealing with the above-mentioned complexities.Sigal Achi...
This week’s Torah Portion, Parashat Ki Tisa, speaks of the making of the sanctuary incense and its use in the service to God. We are told in the Scriptures that it is forbidden to the use the sanctuary incense by the general public. The descriptions given to us in the Torah are ...
: Calendar with Week Focus | fas fa-calendar-week | date, detail, event, focus, schedule, single week, time, today, when, | \f784 : camera | fas fa-camera | image, lens, photo, picture, record, shutter, video, | \f030 : Retro Camera | fas fa-camera-retro | image, lens, phot...