Daily Talmud Readings What is Daf Yomi? Translated from Hebrew as "The Daily Page", Daf Yomi is the name given to the daily study of the Talmud, in which participants study one page a day in sequence until the entire text is completed. ...
Torah Readings Aliyah-by-aliyah breakdown for the Parashat ha-Shavua. Full kriyah, triennial cycle, weekday readings. Spreadsheets for leyning coordinators. Parashat Tetzaveh· Readings for 5785· See more » Daily learning 7th of Adar, 5785 Daf Yomi· Sanhedrin 80 Mishna Yomi· Shevuot 7:4...
Our rabbis tell us that in every generation, each person should consider himself or herself as having personally received the Torah on Mount Sinai. One of the highlights of the Shavuot morning service is the ritual for taking out the Torah. On both days of Shavuot, two Torah scrolls are...
Jewish funeral service rituals and practices have traditionally followed a strong set of customs and beliefs which are based on the Torah. Although these beliefs remain important in the Orthodox and Conservative Jewish cultures, some of the traditional customs have been modified under Reform Judaism....
Shabbat, like many important facets of Judaism, has its origins in the Torah, where it is most notable as a day of complete cessation of labor. The prophetic tradition portrays it as a day of pleasures as well. The Rabbis spelled out their understanding of forbidden “labor” in a complex...
As a document of religion the Talmud acquired that authority which was due to it as the written embodiment of the ancient tradition, and it fulfilled the task which the men of the Great Assembly set for the representatives of the tradition when they said, "Make a hedge for the Torah" (...
I drove a truck in New York and then ran a print shop in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While I began my study of the Torah in Brooklyn, New York, it was not until I moved to Sfat, Israel, the place from where the Cabala originated 500 year ago, that I was able to embrace this secret ...
(in the coming week), the daily prayer service includes a musaf (additional) portion including part of Hallel (readings from the Psalms), an addition to the Shemoneh Esrei (about of the extra sacrfice brought to the temple for Rosh Chodesh) and an additional Torah reading (Numbers 28:11...
In "Otiyyot de-R. 'Aḳiba," a work of the geonic time, it is said, under the letter "zayin," that "at the time of the Messiah God shall sit in paradise and deliver a discourse on the new Torah before the assembly of the pious and the angelic hosts, and that at the close...
Simchat Torah:Simchat Torah, observed in October, celebrates the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings. It is marked by joyous dancing, singing, and parading with Torah scrolls in synagogue. Shushan Purim:Shushan Purim is observed in some walled cities, like Jerusalem, a day after...