Unfortunately, life in America has proven destructive to all of these criteria for the majority of American Jews. The main force that has kept the Jews together in their various exilic locations over thousands of years has been their Judaism. The need to study and pray sustained the Hebrew lan...
Sometime before Masada II, it would be great if we Jews could remember our past, forget absurd ambitions to reconstitute the mythical Promised Land of the Torah, and rejoin the community of nations and peoples as humane members. 6 ...
It is almost impossible to overstate how far the Guardian has fallen. Once the voice of the liberal left – the paper has turned into a ‘Palestine’ obsessed rag that consistently promotes voices that are attacking British Jews. Just this week we were given yet another example – Haroon Sidd...
“And so, it took me a full 24 hours before I could ‘talk’ nicely to Hashem. It was a good thing that it was a two-day holiday. I took out the Book of Jeremiah to read and learn the haftorah [reading of Prophets] that was to be said on the second day. After reading chapter...
Learn about the culture of Jewish Free Loans. Read why Jews lend to each other without any interest. Interest Free Loans, the Jewish way. Giving loans, interest free, is an obligation for every Torah Jew since the Torah forbids interests on loans. Many parties are forbidden from usury, not...
But he also wanted young Israelis to understand this too: that on Shabbat, he wasn’t “the honorable Senator,” and not even Joe, but Yosef Yisrael ben Chanan, his name when he was called up to the Torah. In his book, Lieberman describes how listening to the Shabbat Torah reading was...
All have come to see Yeshua is the same Messiah of the Jewish TorahY'shua (Jesus) is the Messiah; the son of David; born in Bethlehem of Judah. He is: Mashiach ben David, Adonai Yeshua Ha Mashiach. In Torah, Proverbs 30-4 says, and what is His Son's name, if thou canst tell?
Judaism is not defined by the Torah but rather by the Talmud and Cabala. The Cabala posits thatthe Cabalists represent God and redefine reality by inverting it ("revolution.") Sick is healthy; ugly is beautiful; unnatural is natural; lies are truth and injustice is justice. ...
In contrast to this long-standing interpretive tradition, this article contends that, for Paul, the ethnic distinction between Jew and gentile within the greater Christ community remains intact, along with a continued role for the Torah for both subgroups. Rather than advancing a supersessionist ...