The term "half-life" refers to the time it takes for a specific isotope's radioactivity to reduce by half from the original value. This term is often used for metals such as zinc or copper. Answer and Explanation: The half-life of Mirtazapine is about option...
Select the correct answer. What is responsible for the breakdown of norepinephrine? A. COMT B. BuChE C. Various esterases D. MAO Norepinephrine Norepinephrine is an organic chemical found within the body. This chemical acts as both a hormone...
The therapeutic uses of these medications are similar but differ in important ways. Although both are used to control anxiety and can be used as anticonvulsants, lorazepam is the preferred alcohol withdrawal agent of the two. Clonazepam, however, is the preferred agent to utilize for benzodiazepine...
Sleep aids, also known as sedative-hypnotic drugs, are medications used to treat sleep disorders and induce sleep. These drugs have a wide range of inhibitory effects on the central nervous system, producing sedation, sleepiness, anti-anxiety, and anti-seizure effects. Generally, there is no sig...
What this means is that the medication with the shorter half-life, that is alprazolam, has to be taken more frequently to experience the same effect. Also, when withdrawing from the medication, it will be more difficult to withdraw from alprazolam because the withdrawal symptoms will be greater...
The purpose of this review article is to familiarize first responders, anesthesiologists, and intensivists with the medical management of patients exposed
eitherolanzapine(RIDE;toamaximumof2610mgfordays1–2 andamaximumof1610mgfordays3–4)orlorazepam(UCP; maximumof262mgfordays1–2andamaximumof162mg fordays3–4)asrequiredfortreatmentofpersistentorre- emergentagitation. Outcomes:PANSS-ECtest,whichscoresthefollowing5items: ...
The second goal is more controversial, but just as important – avoiding delirium. In the past, pushes of lorazepam appeared to be effective. The agitated patient with elevated peak pressures would roll their eyes back and relax on the ventilator. Unfortunately, the lon...
What antidepressant class has the greatest number of side effects? a) MAOIs b) TCAs c) SNRIs d) SRIs Antidepressants. Antidepressants are a type of drug used to treat depression in a person. Depression is caused by unbalanced levels of chemicals in t...
Answer to: What is an inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal...