Somehow your bank balance, your rapidly downshifting standard of living and your static wages as prices of what you must buy continue to rise suggest this return to prosperity is passing you by.If anything, the majority of you feel worse off as a result of this economic boom. After all ...
Ambiguphobia(coined by American novelist David Foster Wallace): Feeling uncomfortable about leaving things open to interpretation. Amenable:A feeling of being ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield. Being open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable. Ambivalent:Having mixed feeling ...
What is particularly chilling is that the vast majority do not even know what the mRNA vaccine is doing in their bodies. They simply allow themselves to be blindly vaccinated, and this despite the fact that more and more independent and even orthodox medical experts are warning against it. (...
What is Emotional Bullying? What is Spousal Abuse? What is Genophobia? What Should I do if I Suspect a Child is Being Abused? How Might a Child's Behavior Show Signs of Abuse? Am I Being Abused? Discussion Comments By amypollick — On May 01, 2013 @anon332901: No, it's not no...
In some instances, glossophobia links to social anxiety and phobia disorders. Some people believe a person’s self-defeating thoughts lead the person to believe that they will fail while speaking in public. The person may feel that they must measure up to perfection, otherwise they are useless....
What is Emotional Bullying? What is Spousal Abuse? What is Genophobia? What Should I do if I Suspect a Child is Being Abused? How Might a Child's Behavior Show Signs of Abuse? Am I Being Abused? Discussion Comments By amypollick — On May 01, 2013 @anon332901: No, it's not no...
When someone suffers with a phobia, often they will find themselves having illogical thoughts regarding that trigger. If you’re deathly afraid of heights then, you might find yourself worrying that you’ll fall off or even worrying that you’ll feel compelled to jump....
It's eduphobia, a recurring theme here. Logged rrinker Super Contributor Posts: 2046 Country: Re: What percentage of electrical engineers physically handle electronics? « Reply #27 on: March 07, 2016, 03:46:30 pm » And it's somewhat understandable, given some of the examples we'v...
Hogwartsis a well-known example. (The author is a transphobic bigot; on the topic of transphobia, always listen to trans people.) Harry Potter’s boarding school is a heterotopia because it is both separate from but also intimately connected to the world beyond its walls. Zooming in on mor...
Lastly, the tiger crane fly belongs to theGenus Nephrotoma. This genus is known for its distinct tiger-striped pattern found on the wings and abdomen, which serves as a camouflage in their natural habitat. Other features of Nephrotoma species include: ...