His not speaking it is owing to an inhibition by Lankans about speaking English, unless one has a first language command. Perhaps, Harini Amarasuriya (or Harshana) ought to say it in English. And Saroja Paulraj could say it in Tamil. . A response is solicited. . Panini Edirisinhe (NIC...
your legs are useless for getting back home. You are "out of control" of an ability to find "home base." 3. Getting married can feel "out of control" because it means giving another person major control over what happens to you. Also, you leave the security of home base. So,...
In short, unless a person is open to new information, it doesn’t matter how many peer-reviewed studies you throw before them. Facts and data don’t matter if they don’t have curiosity or this ambivalence. As explained by McDonald, this is not a data war. We won that a long time ...
Another useless emotion. But it seems to be a part of most writers’ lives. Ann Lamott and Elizabeth Berg both lost friendships over it. Envy has even driven authors to set up sock puppet identities not merely to hand themselves good reviews,but to leave negative reviews for their rivals’ ...
when going into an elevator with a burly man whose eyes look feral (you’ll know it when you see it, trust me) you might feel a pang of fear. But if you’re a well brought up woman and particularly if the man is another race you might not want to show it. After all you’re ...
Very interesting article. I have an 11 year old Border Terrier who was attacked when 10 months old and to this day he reacts very badly when he sees any other dogs. I had no idea how to deal with it, went to a worse than useless ‘dog trainer’ who did not/could not help or ...
You can have perfect grammar and still make no sense because communication is a skill whilst grammar is a tool.For example, you might have a priceless Lamborghini but if you don’t know how to drive it, it’s an expensive and useless tool. ...
it is worse than useless. The gift received has to be wrought into the very substance of the soul, and to be wrought out in all the endless varieties of life and conduct. Christians are cleansed to begin with, but they have still daily to cleanse themselves: the leaven is hid in the ...