Anxious fliers who rely on useless techniques are set up for failure, after which they believe nothing will work. As a volunteer at the Pan Am course, Captain Bunn recognized the need for effective control of in-flight fear, panic, and claustrophobia. To develop effective methods, he founded...
Even if you turn around to return, you can't see home getting closer. On an airplane, your legs are useless for getting back home. You are "out of control" of an ability to find "home base." 3. Getting married can feel "out of control" because it means giving another person major...
Elderly adults often express concern about living "too long" and therefore becoming a burden on others and useless to themselves. Furthermore, the fear of dying alone or among strangers is often more intense than the fear of life coming to an end. Knowing a person's general level of ...
At first, he refers to fear as dead weight as if it was useless but still pulling him down but then he explains the importance of fear. He claimed that fear can warp our judgement which seems realistic because when people are in a situation the causes fear they are known to take out ...
Still, turbulence was always the most terrifying part of flying for me. Knowing that pilots can’t even comprehend turbulence being a thing to be scared of helped me so much! Now, if ever there’s a bumpy patch of air, I remember that story and how ridiculous it is to be afraid of ...
On the other hand, since behavior and physiology can sometimes dissociate from the feeling of fear, interpreting them as reliable indicators of fear, if we follow Borsboom, is invalid, though not necessarily useless. These observations are in line with the second interpretation of discordance and ...
Shame has no redeeming qualities. It cannot correct phobias. As powerful as the emotion feels, trust me when I say it’s utterly useless to you. Here’s how you can put shame on the shelf: Get used to the idea thatsocial opinionabout telephonophobia is wrong,not you. ...
there was a lack of information on the definition or diagnostic criteria of dental fear, dental anxiety, and dental phobia. Videos with high views had a higher ratio of misleading information. Videos with a dentist being the informant had a similar ratio of misleading information compared to othe...
The line was originally spoken byStephen Colbert(the President-for-life of Earth), and was an attempt to explainFearophobia; that is, afearof fear. Fearophobia is a debilitating affliction affecting millions of people worldwide. The fear of fearing something causes the sufferer to become frigh...