One of the simplest ways to move the needle on embodied carbon is to change the way concrete is specified. Watch our on-demand webinar,The Case for Performance-Based Concrete Specs,to learn more.
Embodied carbon is the measurable greenhouse gas emissions of an infrastructure's entire construction, maintenance and demolition processes. Unlike operational carbon, which measures a structure's emissions based on energy use during its occupancy, embodied carbon provides that structure's carbon footprint...
What are the policy options to reflect the embodied carbon in the price of manufactured products and what are the implications for consumption and production?A.-C. Leydier
Data anaIysis and embodied carbon caIcuIation wiII then aIIow the students to assess the environmentaI impact of their project and compare it to other groups.Students wiII be given a design exercise for a simpIe structure to span 6 m. MeanwhiIe, the industry strategies and drivers for the c...
Embodied carbon is a large yet often hidden source of emissions. But what’s the meaning of C02e, equivalency, and emissions—and why do they matter? We’re here to demystify embodied carbon jargon to help you get started withreducing embodied carbon emissionsat your organization. ...
Whilst operational energy efficiency continues to receive significant attention by researchers, a less well-researched area is the assessment of embodied carbon in the built environment in order to understand where the greatest opportunities for its mitigation and reduction lie. This article approaches ...
Because as much as 80% of the embodied carbon in a building comes from the structural materials, sustainable development must rely on low-carbon options. Options for low-carbon construction materials may also include repurposed materials such as reclaimed wood and recycled steel content. (The const...
These energy sources are everywhere: fossil-fuel-powered transport systems, food chain supplies delivered by these transport systems, the high embodied carbon of concrete—you name it. Every year, 6.13 billion square meters of buildings are constructed. These buildings should be designed...
The term Embodied Energy or Embodied Carbon refers to the sum impact of all greenhouse gas emissions attributed to a material during its life cycle. This cycle encompasses extraction, manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and disposal. For example, reinforced concrete is a material with ext...
The family of engineered wood components known as mass timber can be used in place of steel or concrete to create a structure that provides durable, cost-effective performance with less embodied carbon. Mass timber is used to construct everything from tall timber towers and long-span sports aren...