Sleep is regulated by your circadian rhythm, or body clock, located in the brain.睡眠由脑内的昼夜节律或生理时钟所管理。The body clock responds to light cues, ramping up production of the hormone melatonin at night and switching it off when it senses light.生理时钟对光信号有所反应,在夜晚会...
1. Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase A delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD) is associated with people who refer to themselves as “night owls.” This is one of the most common circadian rhythm disorders and involves a delay in falling asleep. Specifically, a person with this condition will have...
Our health, well-being, and happiness depend on many factors; however, ensuring you focus on getting good sleep should be at the top of your priorities. Can you Reset Your Circadian Rhythm? Yes, it is absolutely possible to change your circadian rhythm. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to...
How easily you get to sleep and the other things you do in your life that affect your sleep also impact your sleep function overall. The circadian rhythm (see below) is the body’s natural body clock, which has a huge role in when you sleep and when you wake. The rhythm is attached...
A circadian rhythm, sometimes called our sleep/wake cycle, is the body’s internal “clock” that regulates when we feel sleepy and wakeful over a 24-hour cycle. But it does much more than that. Our circadian rhythm orchestrates the function of a number of other systems and cells that de...
The Sleep-Metabolism-Weight Connection Circadian rhythm is your “internal clock” that regulates your sleep-wake cycle, but did you know it also affects many physiological processes including glucose and fat metabolism?5During the daytime when the sun is up and you’re awake, you...
B. This disorients your circadian rhythm and puts your body in full mode. C. It is essential that, by the time you are ready to sleep, your body is rid of all traces. D. Scientists have limited abilities to create durable modifications of chronobiological demands. E. Night people, for...
Sleep is an altered physiological state characterized by a unique state of consciousness, decreased sensory awareness, and lower reactivity to stimuli.
Mental health disorders are defined as conditions that affect a person’s thoughts, behaviors or moods. Learn more about common mental illnesses here.
Drinking too much createscircadian rhythm disturbances, which means you could wake up in the middle of the night. It’s also adiuretic,leaving you running for the bathroom overnight. Additionally, excessive alcohol intake caninterfere with REM sleep, an important phase of sleep associated with lea...