RNA Synthesis Custom RNA Synthesis Circular RNA Synthesis RNA Modifications siRNA Synthesis Large Scale mRNA Synthesis Large Scale Oligo Synthesis Large Scale Oligo Synthesis Large Scale DNA Synthesis Large Scale RNA Synthesis Long Oligo Synthesis
In Biology, a codon is the codified unit of information that allows inserting a specific amino acid into a nascent polypeptide from a correspondent string of ribonucleotides in the mRNA that harbors the information for the synthesis of said polypeptide....
RNA-DNA hybrid bindingTranscription is a source of genome instability that stimulates mutation and recombination. Part of the damage produced by transcription is mediated by R-loops, non-B DNA structures that normally form by the re-annealing of the nascent RNA with the template DNA outside the...
As a little scientific bonus, all this silicon indicates that Earth and the other rocky planets formed toward the center of the nascent Sun's accretion disc, where heavier elements concentrate. Emission spectrum of silicon (Si) Credit: Public Domain The brittle rocks that make up Earth's ...
In comparison to conventional RNA-Seq studies, ribosome profiling is created to assess mRNA included in inactive translation. It creates a translatome, which is a "global snapshot" of all the ribosomes actively translating in a cell at a given time. Researchers can now evaluate the location ...
In this mini review, we will focus on the interplay of BVDV, especially its viral RNA, with the innate immune defense of the host animals, because this is the key element to explain the long-term survival of this virus in its host population. Finally, we hypothesize that the survival ...
Transcription is a source of genome instability that stimulates mutation and recombination. Part of the damage produced by transcription is mediated by R-loops, non-B DNA structures that normally form by the re-annealing of the nascent RNA with the template DNA outside the catalytic center of th...
The study of IE (immediate-early) gene activation mechanisms has provided numerous paradigms for how transcription is controlled in response to extracellular signalling. Many of the findings have been derived from investigating one of the IE genes, FOS, and the models extrapolated to regulatory mechan...
RNA virus replication bypasses the DNA stage, the viral genome does not integrate into the host chromosome, ensuring the edited plants remain free of exogenous DNA fragments (Ma et al.2020). However, virus-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 systems have not yet been employed in citrus. It is anticipated ...
Personalized medicine is committed to survey, monitor and diagnose risks to provide patients with a specific treatment, taking into account their particular genetic profile and molecular phenotype. Thus evaluation, comparison, correlation, cross-matching and interaction of the nascent ‘omic’ information ...