Your green card number is specific to you. The green card number is called your “receipt number” or “permanent resident number” or “USCIS case number” by USCIS, but they are all the same number. The green card number is a combination of 3 letters and 10 numbers which we will expl...
Not everyone has a USCIS online account number or even needs an account. We’ll explain if this is something you need and how to create one.
WAC or CSC: California Service Center. NBC: National Benefits Center. MSC:Missouri Service Center. IOE: USCIS Electronic Immigration System. Where is MSC National Benefits Center? The applications are then forwarded to the National Benefits Center inLee's Summit Missouri. ...
The most important information on the Green Card, however, is the green card number. It is crucial for tracking your specific green card application and differs from your alien registration number (A-number) or USCIS number. Understanding this format is key for lawful permanent residents, especial...