There are several codes for USCIS service centers. They include: CSC - California Service CenterEAC - Eastern Adjudication Center (now known as Vermont Service Center)IOE - USCIS online account (efile)LIN - Lincoln Service Center (now known as Nebraska Service Center)MSC - Missouri Service ...
MSC: Missouri Service Center IOE: USCIS Electronic Immigration System YSC: Potomac Service Center Our case goes through the Texas Service Center in our example receipt number. Your distance to a service center does not always dictate where your case will end. Instead, the deciding factor is your...
The three letters at the beginning of your receipt number are codes for the different service centers. Here's what the codes stand for for each of the USCIS service centers that process immigration applications: EAC - Eastern Adjudication Center (Vermont Service Center) ... IOE - USCIS ...