Number is a 13-digit number and typically starts with three alphabets like IOE, WAC, EAC, etc. based on where it was filed. You can use this 13-digit Receipt Number that appears on the Receipt receipt notice ( which is Form I-797C) to track Case Status online using the USCIS web...
It usually starts with 3 alphabets like EAC, WAC, LIN, NBC, SRC, IOE, or others followed by 10 numbers. The 3 alphabets indicate the USCIS Service center where the application or benefit is being processed. You can track USCIS Case Status Online using this receipt number. USCIS Online rece...
Every receipt number begins with three letters that represent the service center that received the case. There are several codes for USCIS service centers. They include: CSC - California Service CenterEAC - Eastern Adjudication Center (now known as Vermont Service Center)IOE - USCIS online account...
But the truth is that is not capable of tracking a simple naturalization case that starts with IOE. It returns “invalid number.” I contacted support two times, since I already paid for the premium version, and they never responded. more App Privacy See Details The developer, Keyurbhai...
Review past updates to understand your case timeline. Effortless Setup: Simply enter your receipt number, we do the rest. Latest News: Stay informed with the newest USCIS News Bulletins. Important Note: This app is not affiliated with USCIS, it simply retrieves and displays information from thei...