SonarQube Server 10.5: Java 21, C++23, TensorFlow, simplified project setup, and many more improvements Support for the latest language versions: Java 21, C++23, TypeScript 5.4 Secrets detection analysis is faster and deeper SAST coverage has increased ...
SonarQube Cloud DocumentationFind more information on the technical details of SonarQube CloudSonarQube for IDE DocumentationFind more information on the technical details of SonarQube IDEExplore SonarpediaExplore our publicly available multi-language rules databaseLanguagesSee our multi-language coverage...
SonarQube was built to scale. As of yet, there has been no limit to this tool’s scalability. Whether you have one or one thousand applications with millions of lines of code, SonarQube performs at a high level and provides in-depth analysis. Final Thoughts There are not manyHiTechcode ...
SonarQube provides the capability to check the health of an application and also to highlight issues newly introduced.SonarQube addresses not just find bugs but also coding rules, test coverage, duplications, API documentation, architecture, and complexity, providing all these details in a dashboar...
This option is available only in IBM Developer for z/OS and IBM Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition. All files are converted to the .cczip format during import. With Code Coverage Service, you can now download exporter formats PDF, SonarQube, and Cobertura, in addition to CCZIP. For ...
SonarQube: A comprehensive tool for analyzing code quality and security across multiple languages. It integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines for ongoing quality assurance. PMD: Identifies common coding problems, such as unused variables, empty catch blocks, and unnecessary object creation in Java ...
It also displays the number of items, which updates when a filter is applied. Coverage Import from Cobertura Files(introduced with v2024.2.1) Some .NET code coverage tools, such as Coverlet, can generate coverage data in the Cobertura XML format. NDepend now supports importing coverage data ...
It also handles tasks such as managing database migrations with tools like Flyway or Liquibase, running static code analysis with SonarQube, and even autoscaling the production environment based on traffic patterns. The pipeline also provides real-time feedback to the development team. It sends ...
- SonarQube-Local - SonarQube-Internet - Archiva-SEN - Archiva-Internet - SVN-Local - SVN-Internet - IP9258 The group shared a list of stolen files containing multiple references to an SVN repository and source codes which they presumably exfiltrated. This...
Various metrics can be used to assess the amount of technical debt in a software project. These include code complexity, duplication, test coverage, and maintainability indexes. Tools such as SonarQube, CAST, and Kiuwan can automate the measurement process, providing valuable insights into the healt...