@文心快码BaiduComatesonarqube coverage on new code 文心快码BaiduComate SonarQube中的新代码覆盖率分析 1. 什么是SonarQube的代码覆盖率 SonarQube是一款开源的代码质量管理工具,它通过静态代码分析来检测代码中的错误、漏洞、代码异味等。代码覆盖率是衡量测试覆盖了多少代码的一种指标,它可以帮助开发者了解哪些代码...
Condition coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的条件覆盖度 coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的覆盖度 Line coverage on new code:新增或更新代码的行覆盖度 Lines to cover on new code:新增或更新代码覆盖的行数 Uncovered conditions on new code:新增或更新代码未覆盖的条件数 Uncovered lines on new co...
Maintainability: Coverage:单元测试缺陷 --Uncovered Lines on New Code: --Uncovered Conditions on New Code: --Lines to Cover on New Code: --Uncovered Lines by IT on New Code: --Uncovered Conditions by IT on New Code: --Lines to Cover by IT on New Code: Duplications:代码重复 --Duplicated...
EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover) 所有可执行的代码总行数 4.2 Line coverage 单元测试覆盖行数密度 Line coverage = LC / EL LC = covered lines (lines_to_cover - uncovered_lines) 已覆盖的行数 EL = total number of executable lines (lines_to_cover) 所有可执行的代码总行...
Have a code coverage on new code greater than 80% Have no new blocker or critical issues on new code Have a Tech Debt ratio on new code greater than 5 There are all relative to the previous version of the project as defined in the build task settings: ...
Reliability remediation effort on new code 在新增代码上修复所有缺陷问题成本/耗时备注图中气泡大小根据 bug 数变化,bug 数越大气泡越大。视觉更加直观。Security 安全性Security Rating安全度指标计算方法A = 0 Vulnerability 没有漏洞时,项目评估为最高级别A B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerability 只要包含一个...
展开New Bugs并检查受影响的行 SonarQube 给的建议是 代码语言:javascript 复制 Deletethisunreachable code or refactor the code to make it reachable.删除此无法访问的代码,或者重构代码使其可以访问。 检查第一个bug,可以看到创建了无法访问的代码。可以看出,通过SonarQube可以很方便地找到这样的bug。
https://blog.ndepend.com/guide-code-coverage-tools/ Code Coverage Results Import (C#, VB.NET) Unit Test Execution Results Import (C#, VB.NET) Prerequisites http://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/8392259.html Steps step1 Begin the SonarQube Analysis and provide all required properties, including ...
SonarQube is an open-source platform that helps developers continuously inspect and improve the quality of their code. It provides static code analysis, code coverage tools, and various metrics to help identify and fix code smells, bugs, security vulnerabilities, and other issues. To run SonarQube...
Do not disable recording of code coverage in builds outside of CI Jun 5, 2019 README LGPL-3.0 license SonarQube Continuous Inspection SonarQube provides the capability to not only show health of an application but also to highlight issues newly introduced. With a Quality Gate in place, you ...