project-level coverage metrics; some provide file-level coverage data; and others provide line-by-line coverage data. Calculating project coverage across multiple languages that use tools that provide disparate data sets is a nightmare.
SonarQube Cloud DocumentationFind more information on the technical details of SonarQube CloudSonarQube for IDE DocumentationFind more information on the technical details of SonarQube IDEExplore SonarpediaExplore our publicly available multi-language rules databaseLanguagesSee our multi-language coverage...
With the addition of 39 new rules, bringing the coverage to 115 Dart rules, we move Dart/Flutter from Early Access to a fully supported language. Now, you can feel confident Sonar has your back when coding in Dart and with SonarQube Server, you can build high-quality and secure Flutter ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ sonar.projectKey=RaymiiOrg_openssl-modern-cpp sonar.organization=rve sonar.sources=. sonar.cfamily.compile-commands=build/compile_commands.json sonar.coverageReportPaths=coverage.xml sonar.exclusions=lib/**,build/** son...
%OpenCover% -output:".\opencover.xml" -register:user -target:%VSTestConsole% -targetargs:"/TestAdapterPath:%NUnit3TestAdapter% CodeCoverage.UnitTest\bin\Release\CodeCoverage.UnitTest.dll" step4 End the SonarQube Analysis and upload it to the SonarQube server ...
"The customizable dashboard and ability to include results and coverage from unit test and other static analysis code tools." More SonarQube Server (formerly SonarQube) pros "The Veracode support team is excellent." "I believe the static analysis is Veracode's best and most valuable feature...
OpenCppCoverage --export_type=cobertura ( Testwell CTC++ coverage reports ( Simple to customize provide the ability to write custom rules custom rules by XPath checks possible custom rules by regular ex...
In this blog post, we will cover how to capture Unit Test coverage continuously and propagate the results to a Dashboard that gives overall visibility of the Unit Test coverage.
Coverage.xml file <?xml version="1.0" ?> <coverage branch-rate="0" branches-covered="0" branches-valid="0" complexity="0" line-rate="0.9048" lines-covered="38" lines-valid="42" timestamp="1566181527451" version="4.5.4"> <!-- Generated by https://coverage.r...
Once the.trxfiles have been found, their.coveragecounterparts are retrieved and converted to.coveragexmlfiles for upload to SonarQube Cloud. As stated above, this will work only with the .NET Framework version of the scanner. See .NET test Coveragefor more information. ...