But if you had actual cash value coverage on your roof, the insurance company would pay only the depreciated value of your current roof. Because the roof is halfway through its expected lifespan, the insurer will deduct half the value, leaving you with a smaller payout toward a new roof....
One of the more unique features of the law is that it doesn't specify a particular dollar amount for fines or other statutory damages for breaking the law. It simply states that the Attorney General can take legal action. Businesses will also have a 60-day cure period to address any viola...
It is quite understandable for a landlord to want to protect himself against possible damages by demanding the highest security deposit allowed by law, or that he thinks he can reasonably charge. Landlords can face stiff penalties if they overcharge: up to three times the amount overcharged plus ...
What are damages in business law?Question:What are damages in business law?Business Law:Business law exists at both the state and federal levels. Therefore, businesses must abide by the laws of different levels of government. This can sometimes present problems.Answer and Explanation: Damages...
What is the Law of Liquidated Damages in Construction? Legally speaking, liquidated damages aredefinedas,“Monetary compensation for a loss, detriment, or injury to a person or a person's rights or property, awarded by a court judgment or by a contract stipulation regarding breach of contract....
and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information and may not be applicable in your ...
These expectations may not be actual fiduciary duties but they can be spelled out in an employee handbook or a contract clause. Case law indicates that breaches of fiduciary duty most often occur when a binding fiduciary relationship is in effect and actions are taken which violate or are counte...
. To recover for defamation, a plaintiff who is a public official or public figure must overcome the defendant’s qualified privilege by providing the defendant’s actual malice. And for certain other types of claims, a plaintiff must prove actual malice to recover presumed or punitive damages....
Another form of infringement is known as dilution. Dilution concerns the harm to a famous mark caused by unauthorized use with non-similar goods in a manner that is not likely to cause confusion. That is, the law prevents use of certain trademarks (well-known or famous marks) by anyone oth...
Tort law is an area of law that makes it possible for those who were injured by the negligence or carelessness of another to recover damages for the injury. It also covers financial damage done to someone by the bad business practices of another. Tort law falls under the category of civil...