Legal remedies are methods that courts use to settle disputes between parties. The main types of legal remedies are damages and...
What are the liabilities for the damages caused by a domesticated pet? 法律知识 Legal Knowledge 饲养的宠物伤人,由宠物的饲养人或者管理人对伤者承担侵权赔偿责任。若伤者故意挑逗宠物导致受伤,可以减轻或免除宠物饲养人或者管理人的责任,...
Special damages are awarded in alegal actionto a person or corporate entity who has been wronged or harmed. Unlikegeneral damages, which are meant to compensate for intangibles such as pain and suffering, this type of compensation is meant to coverout of pocket expensesthe plaintiff has incurred...
A legal injury is any damage resulting from a violation of a legal right Damage Inflict damage upon; The snow damaged the roof She damaged the car when she hit the tree Common Curiosities Are "damages" and "damage" the same? While both relate to harm, "damages" often refers to monetary...
Consequential damages, otherwise known as special damages, are damages that can be proven to have occurred because of the failure of one party to meet a contractual
Sometimes, a civil case will involve an automobile incident, as when one driver sues another for damages to the automobile or to the person. Broken contracts are also very common in civil court; often, legal means are the only way to get one individual or company to pay another. WiseGeek ...
A legal contract must have a lawful purpose, mutual agreement, consideration, competent parties, and genuine assent to be enforceable. If a contract is breached, you may be able to sue for damages or seek other remedies. Contracts can be bilateral, which means each party has made a promise ...
Trial lawyers use strategies that exploit the legal system, making it easier for them to secure large payouts at the expense of fairness.
Estimating liability in civil cases depends greatly on the type of damages. Calculating compensatory damages is very straightforward because the damages claimed are equal to the plaintiff's costs. Legal fees are part of compensatory damages, which makes settlements desirable in many cases. ...
Unliquidated damages are similar to liquidated damages. Both seek to compensate a harmed party for a breach of contract. The amount of unliquidated damages, however, is not specified in the contract, as is the case for liquidated damages. What Are the Types of Damages in the Legal Context? T...