This process is often referred to as “homebrewing,” or creating material of your own imagination to use in stories. There are a few approaches to homebrewing a world. You might start small, maybe with a single village for your first adventures, and then add on new towns or larger ...
if she goes first she'll melt through your party horrifyingly quickly unless they're extremely lucky, skilled, tanky, or some combination of the three. A CR 12-15 monster should have somewhere in the range of 75-100 DPR, so 135 is a lot. This isn't really ...
This increase is equal to X feet. If your speed is lower than X feet, the increase equals your speed instead. What value of X would be balanced for this bonus action? If it helps, the rationale for adding this homebrew are the following: A few players have expressed some...
I mean as has been stated alot recently by the people that make DnD on twitter this is a game that the group plays how they want. The rules can be set in stone and gospel, they can be just guidelines used or ignored by the group. Or as is more often in ...
Add: A place to upload homebrew classes. Change: Make the Legacy Races free or put them all together as a bundle. What are your thoughts?
Another thought: 'The Disney Afternoon Collection: Origins'. This is what Capcom has been waiting for to get these on Switch, right? A blow-out exploration of every included game, speaking to every surviving developer, the Disney licensee folk of the era, the composers, the...
a set of seven dice, rule books, a Dungeon Master screen, and five pre-generated characters. And once you have a grasp on the basics, you can head over toDnD Beyondto check out new adventure modules, monster manuals, and player guides as well as a rich community of homebrew content for...
Wednesday night was the weekly Tavern Chat. Its moved to The Tavern's Discord server with OVERWHELMING success. I can't say for certain how any were logged into the chat channel, but the voice channel his 22 people logged in at one time. Damn!
In a lot of homebrew reviews and discussions, I keep seeing something called Detect Balance employed. Often with little to no context despite it and its points being the core of the response. So I'd love a good explanation of what it is. Is it (an adaptation of something) official? Oth...
Do these stats seem to model how attacking with a torch should work? Can anyone recommend me some official stats or stats they've successfully used? dnd-4e weapons homebrew Tweeted!/StackRPG/status/81819520771162112 occurred Jun 17, 2011 at 20:24 2 Changed the tag from 3.5...