Some elements are only made in the stellar furnace of a supernova. Obdurate iron is among them, as fusion of heavier elements no longer yields energy that can keep a star alive and burning. And while stars are very far apart and long-lived, over Earth's lifetime, even a few nearby st...
What is a supernova made of? What astronomical objects are found in the Kuiper belt? How many stars does Mercury have? What part of a comet points most directly away from the Sun: a. the nucleus b. the coma c. the jets of gas d. the plasma tail e. the dust tail ...
In the core-collapse supernova type, the beginning of the supernova is marked by when the core of the star starts fusing silicon into iron. Usually, when elements are fused into heavier elements, energy is released, and this energy is what keeps the star from falling in on itself. Iron,...
What elements are made in the planetary nebula stage? What heats a protostar? Why is iron significant to understanding how a supernova occurs? What is the biggest star in the universe? How does a nebula become a protostar? What is the absolute magnitude of Rigel? What kind of star is Ald...
How many stars are there in the universe?(不需要准确数字)Where do they come from and where do they go to?What is the most common chemical element in the universe?How are all the other chemical elements formed?Define the terms:Galaxy,nebula,black hole,supernova,comet,asteroid,meteorite(这题...
Planetary nebulae are a type of supernova remnant formed when Sun-like stars first swell up to enormous sizes and then explode. When it happens to the Sun, its mantle will be flung outward to form a planetary nebula, while its core will linger on as a white dwarf. Named because their ...
In a large fraction of cases, one can simply search through small finite magmas – such as magmas on two, three, or four elements – to obtain this anti-implication; but they do not always suffice, and in fact we know of anti-implications that can only be proven through a construction ...
What Is the Steady State Theory of the Universe? What Is a Pair-Instability Supernova or a PISN? What Is an Electron-Capture Supernova? What Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis via Nuclear Fusion?
Stars over 2 times more massive than the sun will explode into a supernova and then contract into a black hole.What is a Star? Some people enjoy watching the sky at night and picking out constellations. Those constellations are made of stars. A star is a glowing body of gas and plasma...
Supernovae are sources in our universe ofelements,radiation, andneutrinos. Supernovae are cosmic particle accelerators that can bereplicated in a laboratoryin a project made possible with DOE Office of Science Fusion Energy Science program support. ...