What chemical elements compose Uranus' core? What is the main optical element of a refracting telescope? What does the temperature and composition of a star tell us? What makes up star cluster? How do scientists classify stars? Name the gases that make up most stars?
Supernovas can briefly outshine entiregalaxiesand radiatemore energy than our sunwill in its entire lifetime. They're also the primary source of heavy elements in the universe.According to NASA, supernovas are "the largest explosion that takes place in space." A new supernova called SN 2023...
The human body is made up of several elements; these include major molecules like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen which serve as building blocks for macromolecules, but there are also elements found in smaller quantities called "trace elements" thatWhich one of the following elemen...
Sometimes, the very same clouds that form a supernova-remnant nebula serve as ready material for the formation of new stars. (That's how our own Solar System formed: out of the ashes of a predecessor star, our presolar nebula was shocked into collapsing by another neighboring star that ...
Scientists can determine what elements make up a star by looking at the emissions spectra of the light they produce. This is an emissions spectrum for one element. Each element has its own unique emissions spectrum.View Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course 39K views Types of Stars...
But in order to make the overall story of the cosmic distance ladder fit into a two-part video, we chose to focus primarily on the first time each rung of the ladder was climbed. 18:30 Is that really Kepler’s portrait?We have since learned that this portrait was most likely painted...
What Is the Steady State Theory of the Universe? What Is a Pair-Instability Supernova or a PISN? What Is an Electron-Capture Supernova? What Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis via Nuclear Fusion?
The star runs out of fuel and goes supernova, releasing these elements back into space. So, if helium fuses into carbon you may be wondering why oxygen is the third most abundant element and not carbon. The answer is because the stars in the universe today are not first generation stars...
Atoms are the basis of all the elements in the universe, the building blocks of all visible matter, and the secret to nuclear power.
However, after the helium is gone, their mass is enough to fuse carbon into heavier elements such as oxygen, neon, silicon, magnesium, sulfur and iron. Once the core has turned to iron, it can burn no longer. The star collapses by its own gravity and the iron core heats up. The ...