A supernova is the explosion of a massive star. There are many different types of supernovae, but they can be broadly separated into two main types: thermonuclear runaway or core-collapse. This first type happens in binary star systems where at least one star is a white dwarf, and they'...
What they saw was a supernova, but the star that created it looked different from the others.When a massive star is nearing the end of its life, it is almost always covered in a layer(层) of hydrogen. The researchers point out that this layer of hydrogen often hides the extremely high...
The day isn't over, there is probably a lot of orders that Best Buy (or wherever you're picking up from) has to fill.Also if your friends are walking in right now and buying them they're not getting the same discounts 2 Likes Reply SuperOvni Supernova Options ...
The sun, like all stars, exists in a delicate balance between the outward pressure of its core and the inward pressure of gravity. When the core is depleted of hydrogen, it can no longer stand up to the force of gravity, causing the star to collapse. This is how supernovae are generat...
What is Hydrogen Burning? What is a Pair-Instability Supernova? What is Explosive Nucleosynthesis? What is Photodisintegration? Discussion Comments Byanon87851— On Jun 01, 2010 Given that oxygen is lighter in mass than neon, why does neon burning occur first?
What is a supernova explosion? What type of rock is a meteorite? How big is a meteorite before impact? What happened to the meteor that created Meteor Crater? What is a falling star? What is another name for Meteor Crater in Arizona?
In 1995, building on earlier work by Bourgain, Wolff famously obtained (1) with using what is now known as the “Wolff hairbrush argument”, based on considering the size of a “hairbrush” – the union of all the tubes that pass through a single tube (the hairbrush “stem”) in ...
What Is the Steady State Theory of the Universe? What Is a Pair-Instability Supernova or a PISN? What Is an Electron-Capture Supernova? What Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis via Nuclear Fusion?
The first attested mention of a nebula comes from the Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, who wrote in 964 about a "little cloud" we know today as the Andromeda Galaxy. Less than a hundred years later, Arabic and Chinese astronomers marveled at a supernova that created the Crab ...
So, where did all this stuff come from in the first place? Silicon is a primordial element, created during the Big Bang or by nuclear fusion during a supernova. It's the eighth most abundant element in the observable Universe, but the third most abundant on Earth. As a little scientific...