Learn about the process of the random assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. Understand when random assortment occurs, and see examples of how it works. Related to this Question What does random mean in random genetic mutation? What is meant by the term single gene trait?
What are the definition of gene and gene expression? What is gene regulation? Define or describe the following: Gene. What does the term gene expression mean? What makes some genes co-expressed with each other? What is gene therapy?
For better or worse, I am in the unique position of being a stem cell scientist and also a former cancer patient. This does give me a unique perspective on things. Neural stem cells. Keep in mind this is not medical advice and you should absolutely talk to your personal doctor with whom...
Hope and love are popular themes of literature and art in many human societies. The human physiology of love and hope is less well understood. This review presents evidence that the lack of love and/or hope delays growth disturbs development and maturati
What does it mean for a gene to be X-linked or Y-linked? What is the relationship between genetic variation and mutations? Describe the difference between homologous and analogous similarities, and how you can tell if a similarity is homologous or analogous using a phylogeny. ...
Dana Defosse, Ph.D., MPH, a retired researcher and physician educator coined the term cisgender in 1994, when she was still a graduate student. The word has now been included in all English dictionaries. What does cis mean exactly?
Polymath--the term some of us use when Renaissance man would be an understatement, may be the right category for Burgess. God did not make many of them. When I was a junior in college, I went to hear Burgess, then in his mid-50s, talk extemporaneously to maybe 250 undergraduate ...
The fact that epistasis is a double mutation does not necessarily mean that it does not happen as often to humans; in fact, some geneticists believe that the phenomena may cause some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the gene “apolipoprotein E4...
The Parthian royal court included Greek elements. The titles philos, “friend,” and suggenes, “Kinsman,” were used by Macedonians. Furthermore,love of Hellenism was consciously and overtly advertised by the dynastic coinage. The term philhellenos (friend or supporter of the Greeks...
What factors affect gene flow? What does limited gene flow mean? How is gene flow related to genetic drift? The term gene expression refers to the How does gene flow occur in plants? Can you have gene flow without evolution? What often causes gene flow?