Are genetic drift and gene flow random processes? The functions ascribed to the genetic material are replication, expression, storage, and mutation. What does each of these terms mean? a. What is meant by the phrase "a carrier of a genetic disorder"? b. Can a male be a carrier for an...
t.) A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed; as, the object of a transitive verb. Object (a.) Opposed; presented in opposition; also, exposed. Objectable (a.) Such as can be presented in opposition; that may be put forward as...
The phrase "weird flex but OK" is used when someone brags about something that others would find awkward or just plain irrelevant. The phrase beganshowing up on the internetin 2017 and has continued to be used in response to awkward boasts. One of the most popular uses of the meme was ...
I have used the word atheist to mean lack of belief in the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible (and I presume the Koran.) I do this because if you live in a “Western” country that is usually the God someone is referring to when they ask “Do you believe in God.” (I don...
What is gene expression? Explain. What does no gene flow mean? The term gene expression refers to the What does high gene flow mean? What does gene flow mean to a population? What does it mean that only one copy of a gene is expressed at a time? What is meant by the term single...
Then, Mr. Hull does a “deep dive” into “free speech” differentiating the actual element of that phrase and its misplaced use. T.J. quizzes him on “freedom of the press” as well, and he dissects that issue as well. From Antifa to the Proud Boys, Mr. Hull has had an opportu...
Hope and love are popular themes of literature and art in many human societies. The human physiology of love and hope is less well understood. This review presents evidence that the lack of love and/or hope delays growth disturbs development and maturati
And Harry Halyard, The Heroine of Paris, Or, The Novice of Notre Dame (1848) has an American character use the phrase "look a here": 'Look a here, 'Squire,' said Jotham, 'dew yew belong tew the Temperance Society?' Conclusions The earliest print matches for lookit that I found were...
The most inspired "work moments" I've had are in this category: watching someone struggle with getting to the right word or phrase under pressure and when they are tired. The first time I saw it was watching a college daily editor--my roommate both in college and in DC for a while--...
Have you heard the phrase signal to noise ratio? It fits here. Right alignment is how we get the strongest signal, the least noise interference. So we can increase the signal to noise ratio. Just stress, so much control, over-trying, over-doing, this creates a lot of noise, not so ...