Does the notochord form during gastrulation? One key consequence ofgastrulationis the formation of the notochord, a distinct cylinder of mesodermal cells that extends along the midline of the embryo from anterior to posterior. ... As a result of these cell movements during gastrulation, the notocho...
It takes about a week from the beginning of harth (day 6) for the connection stalk to form (day 14), such that the embryo becomes "attached and hanging", and it takes about 10 days for the notochord to begin development (day 16) in order for the embryo to take on the appearance ...
A neural plate is the first stage of the nervous system development in human embryology. The way that the neural plate is...
What are the eight levels of the modern classification system in biology? What species concept is based on ecological niches? What type of circulatory system does a flatworm have? What is the circulatory system of amphibians? Which phylum includes animals that have a notochord? What are living ...
Where is the blastocyst located? In what week of the fetus does the notochord become the spine? What is the small yolk sack in embryonic development? How does the blastocyst implant into the endometrium? When does the cerebellum develop in a fetus? What forms at each week of embryonic develo...
Pharyngeal slits are openings in the pharynx that develop into gill arches in bony fish and into the jaw and inner ear in terrestrial animals. The post-anal
If acidity levels in the ocean rise sharply during your lifetime, how might this affect humans? Can you think of ways in which humans might be contributing to this problem? What could we What is an abnormal reflex? Give an example. How does the notochord form, what...