As expected, Shh expression was present in the notochord and no Shh expression was found in the dorsal endoderm of control or Hnf6−/− embryos. (C–F) Immunohistochemistry experiments were performed with anti-Hb9 at the 13-somite stage (C, D) or anti-HNF-3β at the 15-somite ...
(Anatomy) the cavity within an embryo at the gastrula stage of development that eventually becomes the digestive cavity [C19: from Greek arkhē beginning + enteron intestine] archenteric adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
This expression is modified by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) a transcription factor released by the notochord before the neural plate folds to become the neural tube. As cellular differentiation begins in the neural tube, the neuroepithelium becomes layered. The layer closest to the lumen is the ...
lucayanum genome eventually becomes entirely sequenced. In parallel, we found 13 GFP-encoding genes in both the Asian amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri and the Florida amphioxus B. floridae. When we compared the 13 B. floridae GFP-encoding genes identified in this study with the 16 B. floridae...
This review provides an integrative analysis of the current knowledge about (1) the multiscale function and regulation of the IVD in health and disease, (2) the possible regenerative strategies, and (3) the in silico models that shall eventually support the development of advanced therapies. ...
TheAmbulacrariabreaks away from the main group of deuterostomes.This small group eventually becomes the echinoderms(starfish, brittle stars and their relatives) and two worm-like families called the hemichordates andXenoturbellida. Another echinoderm, thesea lily, is thought to be the “missing li...
Chordomas originate from remnants of the notochord. Although chordomas do not metastasize, they demonstrate very aggressive local destruction and invasion with a tendency to recur following surgical removal. Many authorities consider chordomas as malignant lesions because of their associated poor long-term...
[25]. While it wraps around the centrally positioned muscle and gut bundle in hatchlings (Fig.1e), it eventually becomes restricted to the midventral region underneath the longitudinal muscle bands of the adult trunk (Fig.1g) [23,25,43]. Chaetognaths display typical protostomal neuro...
The notochord is aberrant and not formed and results in a dramatic shortening of the body axis. We investigated the expression ofno tailin embryos injected with 1.2 pmol/embryo ofcoasy-MO at 16 somites (17 hpf). As shown inFig. 7at 17 hpf structures such as notochord and tail bud ...
On the other hand, during the fin reconstruction process, the F-B ratio in each fin ray increases and eventually becomes constant when it approaches the pre-amputation value27 (Supplementary Fig. S3a). Thus, we defined the termination of rapid growth as the time point that a fin ray ...