>Why You Should Check Your Tongue for Scallops We've all heard the expression "bite your tongue," but what does it mean when you unconsciously are? Teeth marks on the edges of your tongue are a sign that you are literally biting your tongue. You may be pressing your tongue against your...
Optimizes Digestive Efficiency: Enhances digestion by clearing food residues, easing constipation, and promoting better nutrient absorption. Balances Doshas: Helps balance Kapha, Pitta, and Vata doshas, fostering harmony within the body. Fights Infections: Removes harmful bacteria, reducing the risk of ...
Ayurveda has mentioned barley as Yavam Explained as cooling, heavy and sweet, it is agood laxative and an aphrodisiacand increases stability as it clarifies the channels because of its specific action. It pacifies diseases of the urinary tract, corrects fat metabolism, maintains pitta and kapha d...
Ayurveda is an ancient wellness practice that originated in India about 5,000 years ago. The word "Ayurveda" is a combination of two Sanskrit words that mean life (Ayur) and science (Veda). The literal translation of Ayurveda is "the science of life." An Ayurvedic diet provides guidelines ...
Kapha is one of the three fundamental principles in physiology. It governs defensive mechanism and immune system of the body and is responsible for compactness of the body, connection of joints and its sustenance, sexual potency, strength, patience etc. It is heavy, unctuous, wet, cold,[transla...