Although the kapha dosha is the most stable of the three doshas and the least likely to become imbalanced, imbalances in this dosha can occur. Signs of an imbalance in this dosha are usually associated with heaviness and moisture, including a general lethargy, oily hair and skin, excessive sl...
Kapha is one of the three fundamental principles in physiology. It governs defensive mechanism and immune system of the body and is responsible for compactness of the body, connection of joints and its sustenance, sexual potency, strength, patience etc. It is heavy, unctuous, wet, cold,[transla...
Enkephalin has other actions, in addition to nociception, throughout the body. For example, it has been studied in relation to regulation of memory and mood. A person who is deficient in enkephalins may have a significant amount of inner turmoil and an overall sense of inadequacy. Supplementing...
They may have fear or anxiety (Vata), be overly self critical (Pitta), or under-confident (Kapha). Whatever the reason for self-censorship, healthy self expression is essential. Start by relaxing jaw muscles, including the lips, jaw, tongue, epiglottis, vocal chords, and finally neck and ...
Ayurvedic medicine is an alternative medicine that originated in India. It focuses on the overall health of a person, rather...
is the energy of digestion or metabolism and kapha, the energy of lubrication and structure. All people have the qualities of vata, pitta and kapha, but one is usually primary, one secondary and the third is usually least prominent. The cause of disease in Ayurveda is viewed as a lack of...
Wait, what’s a Dosha? Doshas are the elements that make up all living matter: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. In Ayurveda, there are three key groupings that dictate bodily functions. Vata is the elements of space and air, Pitta is fire and water, and Kapha is water and earth...
Each dosha is prone to particular ailments when it goes out of balance. As a vata person, for example, you may be prone to nerve conditions, constipation and anxiety. Pitta imbalance tends to show up as fever and digestive ailments, while kapha imbalance can appear as diabetes, obesity and...
Nature provides the foods that naturally balance out the qualities of each season, Casperson says. For example, if you live in New England, the spring is damp and cloudy. Couple that with eating heavier winter foods, like casseroles and stews, and you could end up feeling a bit sluggish....
Vata, Kapha, and Pittaare the three conditions (or doshas) that result from the combination of each element. These doshas are thought to be in charge of a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Every person is considered to have a unique dosha ratio, with one dosha sticki...