The safest places on the planet.Many/some/most churches say “come as you are”; but really mean, “Come as you are until this date when we think you should fully conform to our ideas of what it means to follow Jesus.” I know this may be the hardest part of the analogy for Chri...
This would mean, even if we granted for the sake of the argument that the objection was correct, that the heretic elected would lose his office immediately after the election. ■ Obj. 11) What does it matter whether Benedict XVI is the pope? The issue does not concern me. –Page 322 ...
I don’t know, and I certainly do not mean to discount the kindness and grace of saying to another “you are loved”, “you are missed.” But maybe we can take an extra step, because I know for a fact that there are people out there in the world who, if told they are loved, ...
Does this mean that biblically-oriented Christians shouldn’t observe Advent? For some, the answer is “Yes.” If it’s not explicitly taught in Scripture, then Christians shouldn’t do it. You’ll find that kind of argument among non-instrumental Church of Christ believers, for example. Sin...
Consider this: the deacon reflexively rather than deliberately steps on (and over) Father’s call for silence, but he does so with a sense of necessity and inevitability. The musicians take a principled (albeit erroneous) stand against silence. And the cell phone guerillas? Do they not care ...
Well, that does it for this episode ofThe Sunday Catholic Word. Thank you for subscribing to the podcast. Please be sure to tell your friends about it and invite them to subscribe as well. I hope that you have a great feast of the Epiphany of the Lord....
Just because people who write atheist literature are typically scientists coming from rich families doesn't mean all atheists tend to be from that same background. That's like saying all Christians tend to come from Nazareth. NOT RICH! 'well off'....
2. Why lies He in such mean estate Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christians fear: for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. Nail, spear shall pierce Him through, The Cross be borne for me, for you; Hail! Hail the Word Made Flesh, The Babe, the Son of Mary! 3. So brin...
I had a HUGE epiphany a few weeks ago, when I was thinking about the various relationships in my life that I finally was able to walk away from or to at least erect significant boundaries. This was related to me wondering why it takes me so long to walk away from people when I had...
Howard Thurman’s powerful poem “The Work of Christmas” reminds us that Christmas does not end on the day after Epiphany. His message is equally timely on this day after Easter: When the last note of “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” has been sung, When the last chocolate bunny has bee...