(5) Twelfth Day, Swedish Trettondedag; etc.—The meaning of these names will be explained below. The feast was called among the Syrians denho (up-going), a name to be connected with the notion of rising light expressed in Luke, i, 78. The name Epiphania survives in Befana, the ...
meaning a "manifestation or appearance." The word is built from the Greek words "pha" (to shine), "phanein" (to show, to cause to shine), and "epiphanein" (to manifest, to bring to light).[6]In ancient Greek usage, the term often describes the visible manifestation of...
The word Magi, in Greek magoi, comes from the Latin word meaning "sage," and the English word "magic" is derived from it. These particular sages were possibly Zoroastrian astrologers from Persia. Upon seeing a star rising in the East (the Star of Bethlehem), they realized it was a ...
The word "epiphany" comes from the Greek term epiphaneia, meaning "manifestation," "appearance," or "showing forth." In the ancient world, the term designated occasions on which visiting kings or emperors appeared before the people. The writers of the Gospels used this term to describe ...
Many Christians in Canada take part in Epiphany activities. These activities include attending special church services, sessions, luncheons or evening events that focus on the Christian meaning behind Epiphany. Sunday schools for children may include lessons or activities about the meaning behind Epiphany...
In Spain on Epiphany morning you might go to the local bakers and buy a special cake/pastry called a 'Roscón' (meaning a ring shaped roll). They are normally filled with cream or chocolate and are decorated with a paper crown.
The word "Magi" comes from the Latin meaning "magician" or "astrologer," and the earliest pictures of the Wise Men show them dressed quite differently from the kings' robes in which they began to appear from the tenth century onward. Their names-Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar-were not ...
Prior to the start of the show, Fr Lo had a brief dialogue with the young children thus helping them to know and understand the true meaning of the Feast of Epiphany and the manifestation of the light that comes with Jesus for all nations. ...
in southern Greece, and that the word Kallikantzaros itself has been conjecturally derived by Bernhard Schmidt from two Turkish words meaning "black" and "werewolf." The connection between Christmas and werewolves is not confined to Greece. According to a belief not yet extinct in the north ...
The celebration of Twelfth Night is part of the Christian tradition. The word Christian refers to a follower of Christ, a title derived from the Greek word meaning Messiah or Anointed One. The Christ of Christianity is Jesus of Nazareth, a man born between 7 and 4 B . C . E . in the...