— We need not wonder, accordingly, to find that this is the predominant meaning of the word as it appears in the N.T. The noun, and the verb derived from it (μαγεία and μαγεύω), are used by Luke in describing the impostor, who is therefore known distinctively as...
It is no wonder, then, that the meaning of Plotinus should be often obscure and ambiguous, and that it should be declared by Marsilius Ficinus to be discoverable, not by sense or human reason, but only by a more sublime capacity of intelligence (Plotini. Opera. Exhort. ad Auditores, etc...
Nicholas Markell brings you on a visual journey into the season of Advent. Through his unique use of color, line, shape & symbol Nicholas creates images rich with liturgical meaning that become visual metaphors for Advent ministry. The CD includes Scriptural Images, Seasonal Images & Advent Calli...
The opinion that the bishop is an apostle in the scriptural meaning of that term, and as such the divinely ordained fountain of Church authority, and Church life, and that the presbyterate descends from the episcopate in virtue of this inherent power to create it and to constitute it as ...
By a very natural process, the word, which thus designated the public function or service performed by the ministry, became restricted in its meaning to the form itself — the form of words in which such service was rendered, and thus, certainly before the middle of the fifth century, we ...