1. How does the egen function handle the "by" part: . by var1: egen ... . bysort var1 (var2): egen ... i.e., where in the egen code, does it figure out that it needs to sort before doing a by operation etc (i.e. where does it figure out that it was supplied with -...
To statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subject st: what does -egen std- do? Date Wed, 1 Apr 2009 13:05:30 -0700 (PDT)How is the variable generated by -egen std- standardized? Here I take a variable, subtract the mean and divided by sd gen std_man=(P_math-45.20336)/13.3137 Here's ...
This has been changed to N-round(mean(k1,k2,...)). (Stata website) xtgee, xtpois, xtprobit Estimation of the exchangeable working correlation parameter was incorrect in the presence of singletons — groups containing single observations. In the presence of singletons, the estimated working ...
Natural disasters and the research object may be difference or out of phase, which does not involve the vital interests of the research object. In addition, followed by the residents' quality of life, to a certain extent, residents' perception of climate change may reduce gradually. Hagen et ...