Streaming replication, Hot standby more detailsBuilt-in replication in PostgreSQL 9.0 STRING_AGG -- this is a nice to have so you don't need to do array_to_string(ARRAY_AGG(somefield), '\') and with the ORDER BY feature its even better. Conditional triggers - triggers that only run ...
The Microsoft workstreams covered in this post includes open-source contributions to thePostgreSQL core; development on Postgres extensions such asCitus, work on key utilities in the PG ecosystem such asPgBouncer,pgcopydb, andPatroni; our community work around events such as t...
JSON_ARRAYAGG() takes a column or expression as its argument, and aggregates the result as a single JSON array. The expression can evaluate to any MySQL data type; this does not have to be a JSON value. JSON_OBJECTAGG() takes two columns or expressions which it interprets as a key ...
I was able to use the aggregate function GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL, but this is not working here. Is there an equivalent for PostgreSQL, How can I accomplish this? Version 8.4 is actually a good version to start with: SELECT id_field, array_agg(value_field1), array_agg(value_field2) FROM...