Your heart, brain, kidneys, liver, spleen, digestion, and nervous system can all be affected. Severe forms of amyloidosis can lead to organ failure and be life-threatening.What are the signs and symptoms of amyloidosis?You may not have signs or symptoms until the condition is considered ...
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease Symptoms of heart disease can vary depending on which type you have and whether you are a man or a woman. For example, with a heart attack, men are more likely to experience chest pain, while women are more likely to have symptoms other than chest dis...
Endomyocardial diseases cause scarring and thickening of your heart muscle. These diseases include diabetes and scleroderma. Some cancers, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment can also cause your ventricles to thicken from scarring.What are the signs and symptoms of RCM?Chest...
Amyloidosis (a disease where waxy substance deposits in the body and chokes the cells) SLIDESHOW The 14 Most Common Causes of Fatigue See Slideshow What are the signs and symptoms of Addison disease? If you are diagnosed with Addison disease, you may have Fatigue, the main sign of Addison ...
brain stem houses the structures that are responsible for the unconscious regulation of the body such as wakefulness, heart and lung functions, hunger, temperature control, and swallowing. The cerebellum is located beneath and behind the cerebrum and is responsible for posture, balance, and ...
What are the symptoms of thyroid problems in women? Aside from common symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as excessive tiredness, hair loss, muscle weakness, and weight gain, women can experience reproductive symptoms, too. These include heavier menstrual periods as well as infertility. ...
Symptoms of renal amyloidosis may be similar to those of other kidney diseases and include frequent urination, excessive thirst, and vomiting and weight loss. Because the damaged kidney is unable toconcentrate urine, your cat will drink and urinate more because they’ll always feel thirsty. Your ...
The heart is a muscular pump that propels blood throughout the circulatory system. The four chambers of the mammalian heart include the left and right atria, as well as the left and right ventricles. Blood from the systemic circulation enters the right atria and is pumped through the right ...
What percentage of kidney function do I have now? What are my lab test results, including my glomerular filtration rate (GFR)? What treatment is available for my symptoms? What are the next steps? What's the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist? Choosing between a nephrologist ...
A heart monitor will be used to track your heart rate and rhythm if you are in the hospital. You may also need to wear it for several days at home. How is bradycardia treated?You may not need any treatment. Bradycardia is usually treated if it causes symptoms, such as dizziness or fai...