14.Sperry BW, Hanna M, Maurer MS, et al. Association of tafamidis with health status in patients with ATTR cardiac amyloidosis: a post hoc analysis of the ATTR-ACT randomized clinical trial [J].JAMA Cardiol, 2023, 8 (3): 275-280. 15.Elliott P, Gundapaneni B, Sultan MB, et al. I...
Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis (ATTRv) can manifest with cardiac, neuropathic, or a mixed presentation of both, depending on the specific mutation within the TTR gene. We present a case involving a 54-year-old man who was referred to the Abdali National Amyloidosis Center (ANAC) after left ...
Cardiac Amyloidosis: Evolving Diagnosis and Management: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020;142(1):e7-e22. 7. Ruberg FL, et al. Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;73(22):2872-2891. 8. Horn...
It is the initial diagnostic test of choice when cardiac amyloidosis is suspected.[23] Previously viewed as a modality with limited sensitivity and diagnostic specificity, echocardiography now has new parameters designed to provide a...
Significant advances in the treatment of transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis has led to an evolving understanding of the epidemiology of this condition. This systematic literature review (SLR) aims to synthesize current evidence on epidemiology and mortalit
– An Extremely Rare Form of Cardiac Involvement in Acute Myeloid Leukemia June 13, 2021 We report right here on a 61-year-old affected person with acute proper coronary heart failure of unclear etiology. Echocardiography revealed a myocardial mass infiltrating the Read More cDNA Culture Cells ...
VYNDAMAX® (tafamidis) is the first and only single capsule for transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM) taken once a day, every day. Looking for information on VYNDAQEL? Find it here. Create a discussion guide to help you log your symptoms and talk to your doctor about ATTR-CM GET ...
Cardiac amyloidosis is significantly underdiagnosed due to low awareness, non- specific symptoms, and lack of disease-specific diagnostics. There remains a significant unmet need for better diagnostics that may ...
In Cardiac Amyloidosis, Waning Muscle Predicts Death Daratumumab Confirmed as SOC for AL Amyloidosis Better Amyloidosis Treatments Expand Options and Cures Aug 30, 2024 This Week in Cardiology Podcast Hiding in Plain Sight: It Looks Like Diabetic Neuropathy but Might Be Hereditary Amyloidosis Cl...
EDITORIALIncidental detection of ATTR cardiacamyloidosisJessica A. Quaggin-Smith, a Ramsey M. Wehbe, b and Thomas A. Holly baDepartment of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, ChicagobDivision of Cardiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, ChicagoReceived Nov...