WriteDRYer code by leveragingmacros,hooks, andpackage management. dbt provides more reliable analysis No longer copy and paste SQL, which can lead to errors when logic changes. Instead, build reusable data models that get pulled into subsequent models and analysis. Change a model once and tha...
Let's see the code snippet below, which contains a macro for setting different schemas depending on the environment we’re in: -- cd my_dbt -- ./macros/generate_schema_name.sql {% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%} {%- set default_schema = target.schema -%} ...
dbt Core is the open source dbt product that helps data folks write theirdata transformationsfollowing software engineering best practices. Adapterssupportcross-database macrosto help you write certain functions, like DATE_TRUNC and DATEDIFF, without having to memorize sticky function syntax. Using the ...
yes. You’ll definitely want a macro for this. I’ve said it before that in DBT, union macros are easy, but I’d find myself swallowing my words in implementing this. It’s not extremely complicated, but it’s not trivial. What will you need above and beyond the standard loop over ...
and testing. Macros allow you to write functions that can be reused throughout your data models to automate different processes, like data cleaning. Built-in tests help you look for null values, check primary keys, and ensure data types are as expected. They allow you to test your work rig...