Is there concern that generating macro_func would throw an exception that we want to catch (hence moving it inside the try)? If not, I'd leave this where it is. We want to minimize what runs inside of a try. core/dbt/task/ macro_func() try: # generate materialization ...
Here, the model is correctly built as a table. A more realistic use case might involve a macro thatitselfcallsconfig()with some default arguments. Subsequent calls toconfig()may override some of this behavior. Eg: -- macros/config.sql {% macro base_config() %} {{ config(materialized='ta...
To further punctuate the performance of ProFound AI in the U.S., our most profitable market, total sales of AI and services collectively grew on a sequential quarterly basis by an even greater amount, 72% from Q3 to Q4. It is also noteworthy that this substantial quarterly growth also repre...