At least by the number of downloads in the US, the hyper-casual games are still in first place for the last couple of years. If you are a big fan of the hyper-casual genre, then you will be happy to know that it is here to stay, and we can safely add it to the list of tre...
Over the past year, Roblox has made ($0.95) earnings per share (($0.95) diluted earnings per share). In the upcoming year, Roblox’s earnings are anticipated to decrease from ($1.23) to ($1.35) per share. Roblox hasn’t yet disclosed the day of its future earnings report, but based ...
Roblox is one of thebest free gameswhen it works, but occasionally, an error code may temporarily halt your enjoyment. In the case of error code 267, you have a rather significant problem on your hands. Here’s everything you need to know about the error code, what it means, how to ...
C,Roblox开始累积大用户数据的时候,他们就有了新的标杆,超越MinecraftIt's very likely that in the next couple of years we will pass their number of active monthly users D,Mojang出售的时候是25亿美元,如果他们PK掉Minecraft,他们对自己的预期就是百亿美元级别的超级公司Are valued in the tens of billion...
Epic和Apple的战火,目测,很快就要烧到Roblox的家门口了 这也是我们在Roblox上市前分析的问题:Roblox这个店中店的达摩克利斯之剑随时有违背App Store规则的风险 作为严重依赖Mobile的Roblox,在Epic 和Apple这场纷争中,有可能成为代价 He also confirmed this remains the case after an app's launch. If, for exam...